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Image by Luke Stackpoole

Awaken your Spiritual Gifts in 3 DAYS!

Learn my 3 most POWERFUL tools to Awaken your Gifts and step into Sacred Service!

3 Keys to Awakening


Day 1: To Seek

Dive into the world of Archetypes using Tarot & Divination to peer past the veil of reality, develop your intuition, and uncover deeper truths of the universe.


Day 2: To Sense

Somatic Therapy & Grounding to anchor into the wisdom of your body. Regulate your emotions so you can confidently ride the waves of your spiritual awakening.


Day 3: To Know

Shadow work to alchemize the limiting beliefs, toxic patterns, and old stories that are keeping you stuck, and sabotaging your divine purpose in this 3D physical reality.


Join me for a private Psychic Activation Ceremony, Live on Zoom, where I will guide you through a journey of anchoring into your power and activating the 3 main energy centers in your body that hold your unique gifts.

AND one lucky person is going to win a FREE seat in my upcoming 12 week program: Somatic Tarot

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Photo 2024-05-15, 4 16 45 PM (4)_edited.jpg

- Accelerate your spiritual practice to deeper levels in a way that feels grounded and in your power!


- Recognize how incredibly sacred you are, and uncover the hidden gems within you that will spark your divine purpose!


- Remember your truth, your mission, and step into alignment so you can offer your gifts to the world!


- Find the others! Connect with our rapidly growing spiritual community, and know that you are never alone on this sacred journey!


Ready to step into your Sacred Purpose?

Sign up and get Free Access!

© 2024 Sacred Jane Empire

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